Friday, March 26, 2010

Supreme Master Ching Hai...

- "Say sorry only once, and get better all the time. That's the best way to apologize."
- "We should hold correct concepts about practicing; otherwise it's only a kind of possession. Without the correct concept, it's very easy to get possessed. No matter what kind of situation we face, we should be brave and should use wisdom to judge. We should first think: 'Is it correct to do this in this way? Is it logical?' We should believe it only when it is logical."
- "God truly gives us only comfort. If at this moment, he gives us some sorrow, it is to remind us of the ephemeral nature of this world, and to remind us that we have to get back into the safety of the fortress, of the Kingdom of God."
- "We must think clearly when making a decision. If we know from within that it is wrong, it is better not to go through with it just to save face, or as a habitual action, or for the convenience of a fleeting concept. Otherwise, we will create very destructive consequences for our future."
- "We should never fear when we do something good, noble, righteous and spiritual."
- "The things that give you the greatest fear, you should try to get through and overcome them. In order to help us break these prejudices God Almighty has to use a reverse method to teach us."
- "Until we know everything we'd better not accuse, blame, or criticize anything, because God makes everything, it's for some purpose. It's just that we don't know."
- "Reincarnation is a return cycle. If you have not found an exit leading you to paradise, you must go back. Just like on a freeway, if you cannot find an exit, you must return in order to find it. This is reincarnation."
- "We have to bring peace everywhere. We have to cultivate it within so that everywhere we go, we represent that. We are the peace, we are the Kingdom of God, we are the angel, we are the Buddha."
- "Because God wants to bless the earth through us, we came down to be a link between heaven and earth. But because we have been exhausted and tired for so long, we have forgotten our great mission. This is why a master comes once in a while to remind us of our true nature. This is why we are here."
- "It is very important for parents to take good care of their children. They also have to be serious in learning and getting enlightenment, to fully comprehend the teachings and morals. Only after enlightenment can we help our children by guiding them in a correct and better direction."
- "Whether a person is good or bad should only be judged by his purposes and intentions, not by his actions."
- "We don't learn so that other people will know. We learn so that we know and that we can bless the world silently through our inner glory and inner love."
- "Each one of you is a wonderful piece of creation, a wonderful book of poetry and life, a real thing, a real creature, with a real history. Each one of you has a real history, and you should treasure that."
- "Actually, most people do not know the valuable lesson of possessionlessness, because possessionlessness means fearlesssness. When we don't have fame and we don't have possessions, we fear nothing, because we have nothing to lose. If we gain something, it's okay; we might think about it. But if we lose, that's it. When you have nothing, how can you lose?"
- "It is not good enough just to help others, but we have to help them the way they need it, not the way we want to do it. We are never considerate enough in this respect."
- "Always, always, be attentive; otherwise, it's easy to just pass a day, pass two days, pass three days, pass your whole life in self-illusion, in bad habits, and not get into a higher level of consciousness, not be able to understand the deeper meaning of spiritual life."
- "But very few people wholeheartedly devote their attention to the present moment. That's why everyone suffers so much."
- "Don't be defeated by obstacles and ordeals. Perhaps, we don't know how to react today, so we are frightened and defeated; try again tomorrow. We shall overcome someday."
- "The more you love life, the more you give life, and the more you expand and become great. The Buddha is everywhere because He loved all life, identified with all life. So He became Ju-Lai. Ju-Lai means He doesn't come and He doesn't go anywhere, but He's everywhere. He doesn't go anywhere because He has expanded Himself. He doesn't kill life but gives and sustains life. Therefore, He has life. You know, karma, cause and condition."
- "The less we think of the mundane world, the less karma we will gain; the more we think of our Master, the more blessings will be bestowed upon us."
- "When we meditate, if we focus our attention completely on one point and then place before it any problems we have, they will be solved immediately."
- "We should think more positively, optimistically, and courageously, and then it will become a habit, for everything is created by the mind."
- "The more we practice spiritually, the better we should be able to understand others and treat them magnanimously. We should be more capable of accepting other people's opinions and levels of understanding, as well as respecting their freedom of thought. This is a free universe!"
- "The person who enjoys the greatest freedom is the one who is most responsible; because he is responsible, he is free."
- "As soon as you become centered within yourself, love will flow. Then you will forget the anger. You will think it is a small matter and it's easy to love the neighbor or love the enemy."
- "Certain kinds of things in the material kingdom will affect us more or less. Therefore, the food we take also affects us mentally, bodily, also spiritually, and this has been proved since time immemorial."
- "When we work, we should introspect as to whether we are really making an unconditional contribution or not. Otherwise, we should ask God to check and show us our intentions, as well as to help us uphold the spirit of righteousness and preserve a heart of purity."
- "When our actions, speech and thoughts are pure, our body will feel clean and comfortable, and we will be happy spiritually. We will not be affected by anything that others do. We just feel blissful. We will attain the perfection of patience."
- "The more we benefit sentient beings, the more we benefit ourselves; such is the law of spiritual practice."
- "Each of us is given human life only for the purpose of realising God. If we forsake this duty, we will never be happy in this life or in many other lives. If we realised how we struggled in our mother's womb, how we repented our past lives' mistakes, and how we promised God to utilise this present life in a very meaningful way to serve Him, before we were born, then we would never waste one second to think of anything else but try our best in all our leisure time to realise God!"